
The bat call library


Family: Hipposideridae
Genus: Hipposideros
Species: Hipposideros bicolor
Taxonomic remarks:
Identified by: Ellen Mc Arthur

ID evidences:
      morphology: YES
      sound: YES

Gender: Female
Age: Adult

Individual #: PVL16-131
Voucher #:
Accession #:
GBIF_UID: SEABCRU-occur-0000911
Genetic #:

Date: 2016.10.13
Time: 7:00:00
Latitude: 4.04455
Longitude: 114.82451
Location accuracy:
Altitude: 40
Locality: Gunung Mulu National Park
Settlement: Mulu
Territory: Sarawak
Country: Malaysia

Habitat: Riverine Forest
Microhabitat: Forest Trail

Method: Hand release
Call type:
Recording quality: 3

Device manufacturer: Wildlife Acoustics
Device model: Echo Meter EM3+
Sampling_rate: 384.00
Recording_type: Real time
TE_factor: 16
FD factor:

Recordist_name: Ellen Mc Arthur
Contact: Ellen Mc Arthur
Contact e-mail:

Citation: McArthur, E., Khan, F.A.A. 2021. Towards a regional call library: Classifying calls of a species-rich bat assemblage in a Bornean karst rainforest. Journal of Bat Research & Conservation 14(1): 95-117. DOI: 10.14709/BarbJ.14.1.2021.11

Access_type: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Sound: Download sound
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